-----------------------------------------------    .-        main        -.
|  __    the   __ coding  .__    asylum     .___|   |=       wtf!?        =|
|_/  |_  ____ |  | __     |  |__   ____   __| _/|   |=    programming     =|
|\   __\/ __ \|  |/ /     |  |  \_/ __ \ / __ | |   |=   my  creations    =|
| |  | \  ___/|    <      |   Y  \  ___// /_/ | |   |= graphics creations =|
| |__|  \___  >__|_ \_____|___|  /\___  >____ | |   |=     * links *      =|
|           \/     \/_____/    \/     \/     \/ |   |=     about  me      =|
 - links ---------------------------------------    \______________________/
           here i have taken all my bookmarks and changed them into links. /
           because i had so many bookmarks (way over 100), i automated the \
           job of taking a netscape bookmark file and changing it into     /
           regular html format, by using a simple qbasic program. this     \
           utility may be obtained from here.                              /
                         development 1    development 3                    \
                                   __       __                             /
             programming Links    _\ \_____/ /_    miscellaneous Links     \
                                 |_ Li=- -=NK _|                           /
                    demo Links     /_/     \_\     qbasic Links            \
                           doom Links   development 2                      \
                      this site is designed and created by Michal Guerquin /
                                        © 1997 by Michal Guerquin [e.mail] \