-----------------------------------------------    .-        main        -.
|  __    the   __ coding  .__    asylum     .___|   |=     * wtf!? *      =|
|_/  |_  ____ |  | __     |  |__   ____   __| _/|   |=    programming     =|
|\   __\/ __ \|  |/ /     |  |  \_/ __ \ / __ | |   |=   my  creations    =|
| |  | \  ___/|    <      |   Y  \  ___// /_/ | |   |= graphics creations =|
| |__|  \___  >__|_ \_____|___|  /\___  >____ | |   |=       links        =|
|           \/     \/_____/    \/     \/     \/ |   |=     about  me      =|
 - wtf -----------------------------------------    \______________________/
                         wtf:     what's    the    filling?                /
                           how to navigate the site                        \
            .-        main        -.  <-- the main page                    \
            |=       wtf!?        =|  <-- this page                        /
            |=    programming     =|  <-- info about programming           \
            |=   my  creations    =|  <-- stuff i programmed (or typed)    /
            |= graphics creations =|  <-- stuff i created graphically      \
            |=       links        =|  <-- places to go on the net          /
            |=     about  me      =|  <-- info about me                    \
                 (i recommend an 800x600 resolution, although              /
                  all should be viewable under 640x480)                    \
           so what's this whole site about?                                /
           it's about coding (aka programming). i have designed it to show \
           that coding is not just a boring activity. the results are most /
           of the time  very  rewarding,  especially if you are working on \
           graphics programming, because of the immediate  visual results, /
           and also  because it's  such a new  area,  where  everything is \
           acceptable and where there still are no  real stable standards. /
             it (this site)  is also about what i have created in the area \
           of comptuer graphics and game programming. go to my programming /
           section and see what i created, perhaps you'll find it interes- \
           ting as well. if so,then i hope that my (and others') tutorials /
           can be of assistance.  this is all free information so make the \
           best use of it :)                                               /
           why is this site all text and no graphics?                      /
           i beleive that nowadays, the internet has become a monster of a \
           network, and  that  its original design  never  was intended to /
           handle the vast  amounts of information  it is expected to now. \
           it  was  designed  to  transfer  text  information quickly  and /
           easily, and that's what it did; until it became commercialized, \
           which raised a lot of new jobs (and helped the  economy in many /
           countries), but allowed for a lot of junk to be put on it. i am \
           refering to (if you don't already realize this) all the advert- /
           isments on the net. with all this junk taking up precious band- \
           width, it is a lot easier to view web pages that are completely /
           composed of text, and color codes for some web browsers :)      \
                      this site is designed and created by Michal Guerquin /
                                        © 1997 by Michal Guerquin [e.mail] \