-----------------------------------------------    .-        main        -.
|  __    the   __ coding  .__    asylum     .___|   |=       wtf!?        =|
|_/  |_  ____ |  | __     |  |__   ____   __| _/|   |=    programming     =|
|\   __\/ __ \|  |/ /     |  |  \_/ __ \ / __ | |   |= * my  creations *  =|
| |  | \  ___/|    <      |   Y  \  ___// /_/ | |   |= graphics creations =|
| |__|  \___  >__|_ \_____|___|  /\___  >____ | |   |=       links        =|
|           \/     \/_____/    \/     \/     \/ |   |=     about  me      =|
 - my creations --------------------------------    \______________________/

             here are some of my creations. these could be programs,  
             graphics,  text files (like faq's, and such), or anything 
             i've created that is displayable on the web. also, there
             are some things which i personally did not create.

             here is the key to the short form descriptions that i used:

                 what               how             in what
             [1] text/document  [s] source      [Q] quickbasic/qbasic
             [2] program        [x] executable  [C] c/c++
                                [a] archive *   [P] pascal
                                                [T] turing/oot

             * the files marked [a] require an unzipping utility, such 
             as pkunzip for dos or winzip for windows.

Old Stuff:

  3dprog.zip  my first big 3D project [2][a][x][Q]       screenshot + info
    2000.zip  a predecessor to Pixel Dance               screenshot + info
       16.kb  [2][a][x][C]
plasmag2.zip  something resembling a frutopia commercial screenshot + info
       13.kb  [2][a][x][P]


     g2g.zip  winning entry for the Turing Graphics      screenshot + info
      574.kb  [2][a][x][s][T]       Contest 1997 (TGC)
     elip3.t  a missing part to g2g.zip (source only)    info
        5.kb  [2][s][T]

Demos Released:

 p_dance.zip  Pixel Dance demo                           screenshot + info
       80.kb  (rated **+ on ftp.cdrom.com)[2][a][x]
  p_scrn.zip  Pixel Dance demo, screen saver version     info
       52.kb  (changes effect by itself) [2][a][x]  

Source Code:

 p_sourc.zip  Pixel Dance Source Code (in Watcom C v11)  info
       44.kb  [2][a][s]
 credits.bas  Display credits in a cool way [2][s][Q]    screenshot + info
    pond-c.c  A simple palette plasma in TC3 [2][s][C]   screenshot + info

Text Files:

   (here, i omitted the info and screenshots for an obvious reason...)

   funny.log  i played a joke on someone whose nickname i
        2.kb  will not reveal..sorry, i just had to :P [1]
   bsave.txt  the qbasic bsave format unravelled [1]
        0.kb  (not mine)
zip_form.txt  the pkware zip file format [1]
       37.kb  (not mine)
   mzexe.txt  the ms-dos exe file format unravelled [1]
        8.kb  (not mine)
     com.txt  the ms-dos com file format unravelled [1]
        3.kb  (not mine)
     scr.txt  how to make a windows screen saver in 
        3.kb  visual basic [1] (not mine)
whowin95.txt  who to blame for making windows 95...[1]
        1.kb  (not mine)
optimize.zip  programming optimizations for the 386/486
       17.kb  /Pentium [1][a] (not mine)

                          this site is designed and created by Michal Guerquin
                                            © 1997 by Michal Guerquin [e.mail]