-----------------------------------------------    .-        main        -.
|  __    the   __ coding  .__    asylum     .___|   |=       wtf!?        =|
|_/  |_  ____ |  | __     |  |__   ____   __| _/|   |=    programming     =|
|\   __\/ __ \|  |/ /     |  |  \_/ __ \ / __ | |   |=   my  creations    =|
| |  | \  ___/|    <      |   Y  \  ___// /_/ | |   |= graphics creations =|
| |__|  \___  >__|_ \_____|___|  /\___  >____ | |   |=     * links *      =|
|           \/     \/_____/    \/     \/     \/ |   |=     about  me      =|
 - links ---------------------------------------    \______________________/
          [Back]                                                           /
          demos:                                                           /
          Homepage of Sqrt(-1): Graphics coding                            /
          www.sci.fi/~zaphod/gfx.htm#GfxClassicEfx                         \
          RAGE OFFICAL NETWORK HEADQUARTERS 2000AD                         \
          www.dtek.chalmers.se/~d3mikael/newrage.html                      /
          Speedygoo's Heaven                                               /
          in-tec.de/speedygo/                                              \
          Misc. Tips for Optimazation and such                             \
          www.GeoCities.Com/SoHo/7067/tips.html                            /
          GFX Contents                                                     /
          users.ica.net/hin/gfx_c.html                                     \
          Pointer Tutorial Table of Contents                               \
          www.gator.net/~garyg/ptrs/toc.html                               /
          EXPLORE THE WORLD OF C U B I C                                   /
          www.cubic.org/main.htm                                           \
          GFX ZONE - on line scene mag                                     \
          users.cybercity.dk/~bcc5877/scene.html                           /
          TMDC2                                                            /
          spider.compart.fi/~solar/tmdc2.htm                               \
          WIRED 3.07: - "Demo or Die!" by Dave Green                       \
          wwww.wired.com/wired/3.07/features/democoders.html               /
          Life Before Demos                                                /
          www.hornet.org/ha/pages/lbd/                                     \
          Sime 97                                                          \
          www.sime.org/                                                    /
          Pure Failure HQ,Demos,Scene,Coding,Utils,Music                   /
          www.mbi.fi/kotisivut/slomo/puref.htm                             \
          S a h a r a S u r f e r s                                        \
          kalahari.ton.tut.fi/s2/                                          /
          Demo Review                                                      /
          www.mygale.org/~esteem/review/                                   \
          Electromotive Force homepage                                     \
          www.niksula.cs.hut.fi/~jmattsso/emf/emf.html                     /
          Spyko's Demo Coding Page                                         /
          home4.swipnet.se/~w-44673/                                       \
          PC Demos Explained                                               \
          www.cdrom.com/pub/demos/hornet/html/demos.html                   /
          Directory of /pub/users/sirreal/fc/pics                          /
          tp.sonic.net/pub/users/sirreal/fc/pics/                          \
          Directory of /pub/msdos/demos                                    \
          tp.luth.se/pub/msdos/demos/                                      /
          Demos FAQ                                                        /
          www2.lmn.pub.ro/~byte/graphics/pcdemos.faq.html                  \
          TPU Promo Team                                                   \
          pw1.netcom.com/~johnyreb/index.html                              /
          Abe's Demoschool                                                 /
          www.mds.mdh.se/foreningar/small/abe/                             \
          The Gathering                                                    \
          www.gathering.org/                                               /
          demo groups                                                      /
          tapac.inka.de/~juo/future.html                                   \
                      this site is designed and created by Michal Guerquin \
                                        © 1997 by Michal Guerquin [e.mail] /