This page is here to let the world know a bit more about me (Ryan Ross) and to showcase some of my music. I'm 20 years of age and I live in London, Ontario, Canada. I'm getting a picture developped/scanned to put up here, soon, so you can see what I look like. But until then, you'll just have to use your imagination. I've composed all the music on this page and tracked it all in Impulse Tracker , using samples from a Roland XP-50 Synthesizer, which I'm currently attempting to master. Among making music and wasting time on irc as _Firestar, I enjoy most sports, including martial arts, and making graphics with Adobe Photoshop . Well, that's pretty much me. What's that you say? You're a cute girl and you want to email me some nekkid photos?
Title Style Size
Blue Lagoon Ambient 730k
Vampire Ambient 1120k
Click the title of the song to download it.         
This page made by Drew Vogel (Yes, I am hirable)

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