MajiKODE Remote File Archive
Hosted by the gracious Logiclrd of!
Welcome to MajiKODE's Remote File Archive! Oh, yes, we have all those old crusty games by Majiko before his ascention to Lord Majiko of MajiKODE Cult! Err, company!
You are solely responsible for any damages or anything else recieved from files on this website, or any of it's links. You agree to this when you download a file. You will not blame me or anyone else except for your pitiful self for the damages!
Various Links:
Rotten Dot Com -- For a great laugh! Look at dead people!
Jokes.Com -- For a stomach churning time!
Did you get the joke with those two links? I know I didn't! :)
Ewww! Old crap that I made years ago and really sucked!
Ratings: Hilarious, I didn't make this, Bad, Okay, Good, Great, I made this, Did I make this?!
Astro RPG Beta Demo (Hilarious)
Astro RPG Gamma Demo (Hilarious)
Zealous Warriors Crud Version (Hilarious)
Story of Muai Only Demo[Alternate zip] (Okay)
Chiton RPG Demo 1 (Good)
Chiton RPG Demo 2 (Good)
Warrior of the ChiChi (Full Demo!) (Great)
Crystal Keeper (FF Fights, cutscenes, midi, boss!) (Did I make this?!)
Engine Zero v2.0
For use with DirectQB, stores 640x400 maps on 4 DQB pages. MapEditor included, uses Pixel Plus Pro tilesets of 20x20.